Table 3: Unmappable inscriptions

HEpOnl ref CIL II ref AE ref EDH ref Monument Type Inscription Type Date Name Age Sex Legal Status Origin Province Pleiades Number Findspot Text Translation? Notes
634     5896 Tabula Epitaph   Cosconia Materna 60 F Freeborn Mirobriga     Casas de Don Pedro D(is) • M(anibus) • s(acrum) / Cosconia • L(uci) • fil(ia) / Materna • Mirobri/gensis • an(norum) • LX • h(ic) • [s(ita)] • s(it) • t(ibi) • t(erra) • l(evis) / tes[t]amento fier[i] iussit / ex HS ((sestertium)) V • ((milibus)). Sacred to the spirits of the dead, Cosconia Materna, daughter of Lucius, of Mirobriga, 60 years old. Here she lies, may the earth rest lightly upon you. She ordered it to be made in her will out of 500 sesterces. There are 3 places called Mirobriga in Spain: Mirobriga Celticia (Pl. 256303); Mirobriga Turdulorum (Pl. 256302); and Mirobriga Vettonum (Pl. 236546). Mirobriga Turdulorum is only c. 38km from findspot.
802 967     Undefined Epitaph   Vibia Crispa Rufini 67 F Freeborn Arabriga   260486 Aroche D(is) · M(anibus) · s(acrum) / Vibia · Cr/ispa · Ru/fini Ara/brigensis / annor(um) / LXVII / h(ic) · s(ita) · e(st) · s(it) · t(ibi) · t(erra) · l(evis) Sacred to the spirits of the dead, Vibia Crispa (daughter) of Rufinus, of Arabriga, 67 years old. Here she lies, may the earth rest lightly upon you. Knapp and Stanley Jr 1996: 433 (MAP28BA) locate Arabriga in Portugal. It is not mapped here because Pleiades records it as unlocated, although Trismegistos (Tm Geo 25881) gives a location about 35km to the north of Lisbon, which would result in movement of over 200km here.
930 1598; 5, 351   28132 Stele Epitaph 30BC-AD14 Quintus Iulius Rufus   M Freeborn Siccaena   260638 Nueva Carteya L(ocus) p(edum) CXX / Q(uintus) Iulius P(ubli) f(ilius) Gal(eria) / Rufus agrimensor / Siccaenas Site 120 feet. Quintus Iulius Rufus., son of Publius, of the Galeria tribe, agrimensor, of Siccaena. Siccaena is unlocated.
1925 5,11 1915, 11 25193 Altar Epitaph 151-250 Baebia Faustiana 58 M Uncertain Ilubariensia     Mentesa Bastitanorum (La Guardia de Jaén) D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / B(a)ebia Faustian/a / Ilubariensia / an(norum) LVIII / h(ic) s(ita) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis) Sacred to the spirits of the dead, Baebia Faustiana of Ilubaria (?), 58 years old. Here she lies, may the earth rest lightly upon you. Ilubaria is unknown and unlocated.
2083 5,158; 1693     Altar Epitaph 151-250 L. Aelius Epaphroditus 22 M Uncertain Andura   270298 Tucci (Torredonjimeno) D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / L(ucius) Aelius Epaphrodi/tus Andurensis / annor(um) XXII / pius in suis h(ic) s(itus) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis) Sacred to the spirits of the dead, Lucius Aelius Epaphroditus of Andura, 23 years old, dutiful to his own. Here he lies, may the earth rest lightly upon you. Unlocated origio but this may have been close to the findspot of Torredonjimeno (Spann 1996: 451,MAP27BA: Pl. 270298), although there was also an unlocated Andura in Egypt (Pl. 798042).
2167 5467; 5, 242   29425 Undefined Epitaph   Lucius Marius Marullinus Lunensis 80 M Freeborn Luna   261251 Sosontigi (Alcaudete) L(ucius) Marius Marulli/nus Q(uinti) f(ilius) Lunensis pius / in suis / an(norum) LXXX h(ic) s(itus) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis) Lucius Marius Marullinus, son of Quintus, of Luna, dutiful to his own, 80 years old. Here he lies, may the earth rest lightly upon you. Luna is unlocated.
3216 1444; 5, 988   31400 Altar Epitaph 151-200 Lucius Caesius Maximinus 21 M Uncertain Cedripo   260532 Ostippo (Estepa) L(ucius) Caesius M/aximinus / Cedrippo/nensis an(norum) / XXI hic in/terfectus est / sit tibi terra levis Lucius Caesius Maximinus of Cedrippo,. 21 years old. Here he was killed, may the earth rest lightly upon you. Cedrippo is unlocated.
3395 5, 1153   16886 Stele Epitaph 50BC-30 Marcus Aninius Adgovilus   M Uncertain Aquae?     Carruca (Écija) M(arcus) Aninius Adgo/vilus oriundus / ab Aquis ex Gal/lia hic situs est Marcus Aninius Adgovilus originating from Aquae in Gallia. Here he lies. There are numerous places beginning with Aquae in Gaul.
3426 1484; 5, 1184     Undefined Epitaph   Lucius Caecilius Secundinus 23 M Uncertain Oningi   260614 Astigi (Écija) D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / L(ucius) C(a)ecilius / Secundin/us Onicitan/us ann(orum) XXIII / [ Sacred to the spirits of the dead, Lucius Caecilius Secundinus of Oningi, 23 years old... Oningi is unlocated.
3622 7, 24; 3354   27509 Stele Epitaph 201-300 Nusatita 3 (+/-) M Enslaved Thrace   981552 Close to Ossigi (Albánchez de Mágina, Jaén) D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Nusatita / puer serve / pronatus na/tione T(h)ra/cie plus mi/nus anno/rum III ia/cet petito be/neficio in / locum Cam/panianen/sem Sacred to the Spirits of the Dead, Nusatita, boy slave (?), born from the people of Thrace, more or less three years old, lies in the region of Campania, this favour having been asked for. The deceased is from the people of Thrace, died in Campania, and was commemorated close to Ossigi (Pl. 265994). This is not included on the map as the movement itself took place outside of the Iberian Peninsula.
5059   1897, 44 22664 Undefined Epitaph   Quintus Sempronius Secundinus   M Freeborn Baega? (Baikor)   260502 Algámitas Q(uinto) Sempronio Se/cundino Baegen/si Sempronia C(ai) f(ilia) / Rustica mater / t(estamento) p(oni) i(ussit) Sempronius / Sempronianus Cem/bricinus p(ater?) e(ius) h(eres) p(onendum) c(uravit) To Quintus Sempronius Secundinus of Baega (?). Sempronia Rustica, daughter of Gaius, his mother, ordered it to be put up according to his will. Sempronianus Cembricinus, his father and heir, had it made. Variant in EDH: Scim/briginus. Spann 1996: 433 (MAP26BA) places Baega within Conventus Hispalenses, as is the findspot.
6524   1973, 299 10853 Stele Epitaph   Severus Tiophilus 40 M Freeborn Elaneobriga     Bracara Augusta (Braga) Severus / Reburri / f(ilius) • Tiophilus / Elaneobr/igensis an(norum) / XXXX • sod/ales • Flavi / d(e) s(uo) • f(aciendum) c(uraverunt) • Severus Tiophilus, son of Reburrus, of Elaneobriga, 40 years old. Comrades of Flavus had this made from their own money. Elaneobriga is unlocated.
8309 2482     Undefined Epitaph   Visala   F Freeborn Sambrucola?     Aquae Flaviae (Chaves) D(is) M(anibus) / Visala Rebur(ri) / Sambrucolen(sis) / filiae / pientissimae / nepotibus suis / d(e) s(ua) fec(it) To the spirits of the dead, Visala, daughter of Reburrus, of Sambrucola (?), made this for herself, her daugher, and her grandchildren. Sambrucola (?) is unknown and unlocated.
8410 2599     Undefined Votive   Titus Caesius Rufus   M Uncertain Saelenus Tarraconensis 240999 Uncertain location - Galicia I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / Candiedoni / T(itus) Caesius Rufus / Saelenus / ex voto fecit To Jupiter Optimus Maximus of Candiedo (?). Titus Caesius Rufus of Saelenis made this according to a vow. Unlocated origin and findspot, but look to be within same region.
8855 3022     Tabula Epitaph AD 1-50 Lucius Cornelius Samius   M Freed Aquae Bilbitanorum   246167 Bilbilis (Calatayud) L(ucius) · Cornelius · / Philomusi / l(ibertus) · Samius / Aquensis / h(ic) · s(itus) · e(st) Lucius Cornelius Samius, freedman of Philomusus, of Aquae. Here he lies. There are numerous Aquae in Spain and elsewhere in the Roman world, so the point of origin is unclear, although the most probable origin is Aquae Bilbitanorum (Pl. 246167), which is only c. 26km from the findspot of Bibilis.
9869 4157     Undefined Epitaph   Gaius Iulius Reburrus 52 M Freeborn Segisama Brasaca Tarraconensis 241003 Tarraco (Tarragona) C(aio) Iulio Reburro / mil(iti) leg(ionis) VII G(eminae) F(elicis) / d(omo) Segisama Brasa/ca an(norum) LII a(erum) XXIIII / Licinius Rufus / miles leg(ionis) eiiusde[m / To Gaius Iulius Reburrus, soldier of the VII legion Gemina Felix, with his home at Segisama Brasaca, 52 years old, 24 years service. Lucius Rufus, a soldier of the same legion (made this). Segisama Brasaca is unlocated.
9900 4189     Undefined Undefined   Lucius Aemilius Paulus   M Freeborn Attacum?     Tarraco (Tarragona) L(ucio) Aemilio L(uci) f(ilio) [Quir(ina?)] / Paulo flami[ni] / p(rovinciae) H(ispaniae) c(iterioris) ex conven[t(u)] / Carthag(iniensi) Attacc(ensi) / omnib(us) in re p[ub(lica)] / sua honoribus [funct(o)] / trib(uno) mil(itum) leg(ionis) III Cyren(aicae) / praef(ecto) cohort(is) I[- - -] / p(rovincia) H(ispania) c(iterior) To Lucius Aemilius Paulus, son of Lucius, flamen of the province of Hispania Citerior from the conventus of Carthaginiensis Attacum, holder of all the offices in Attacum (lit. with all the honours of his republic), military tribune of the III legion Cyrenaica, prefect of the cohort... The province of Hispania Citerior (put this up). Attacum (?) is unlocated.
9907 4196     Undefined Undefined   Lucius Aufidius Celer Masculinus   M Freeborn Flavia Augusta     Tarraco (Tarragona) L(ucio) Aufidio Mascu/li f(ilio) Celeri Mas/culino Quir(ina) / Flaviaugustano / flamini designato / p(rovinciae) H(ispaniae) c(iterioris) / r(es) p(ublica) s(ua) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) To Lucius Aufidius Celer Masculinus, son of Masculus, of the Quirina tribe, of Flavia Augusta, flamen designate of the province of Hispania Citerior, by decree of the decurions of Flavia Augusta (lit. his res publica). Flavia Augusta could refer to numerous locations.
9958 4247     Undefined Undefined   Lucius Sulpicius Niger Gibbianus   M Freeborn Avobriga / Abobrica ?   260499 Tarraco (Tarragona) L(ucio) Sulpicio Q(uinti) f(ilio) Gal(eria) / Nigro Gibbiano / Avobrigensi / omnibus in re p(ublica) sua / honorib(us) functo / flam(ini) Romae divor(um) / et Aug(ustorum) p(rovinciae) H(ispaniae) c(iterioris) / p(rovincia) H(ispania) c(iterior) To Lucius Sulpicius Niger Gibbianus, son of Quintus, of the Galeria tribe, of Avobriga, holder of all the offices in Avobriga (lit. with all the honours of his republic), flamen of the divine Roma and Augusti of the province of Hispania Citerior. The province of Hispania Citerior (put this up). Avobriga is unlocated.
11890 5561     Undefined Votive   Flavus   M Freeborn Valabriga   241014 Delães [- - - - - -?]/A · Brigo / Flav(u)s A/pili Val/abrige/nsis vo/tum · s(olvit) · l(ibens) / an(imo) · merito ...Flavus, son of Apilus, of Valabriga, gladly, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow. Valabriga is unlocated.
12607 6290     Stele Epitaph   Reburrus Ari Seurus 61 M Uncertain Castellum Narelia   240899 Felgar Reburrus / Ari • Seuru/s • I(C invertida) (castello) Nareli/a • an(norum) • LXI Reburrus Ari Suerrus from Castellum Narelia. 61 years old. Castellum Narelia is unlocated.
14383       Block Epitaph   Marcus Persius Blaesus 50 M Freeborn Hasta     Asturica Augusta (Astorga) [M(arcus)] Persius · M(arci) · f(ilius) · Pol(lia) / [Bla]esus · dom(o) · Has/[ta m(iles?)] leg(ionis) · X · Gem(inae) · |(centuria) · Sil/[onis?] · ann(orum) · L · aer(orum) · XXVI · h(ic) · s(itus) · e(st) Marcus Persius Blaesus, son of Marcus, of the Pollia tribe, with his home at Hasta, soldier of the X legion Gemina in the century of Silo, 50 years old, 25 years service. Here he lies. There are at least 4 places known as Hasta in the Roman world, 1 in Spain and 3 in Italy.
16774   1955, 32 19122 Stele Epitaph   Boutia   F Freeborn Histinium   260562 Norba (Caceres) Bouti/a • Latro/ni • f(ilia) / Histin/iensi(s) // hic s(ita) / es(t) Boutia, daughter of Latro, of Histinium. Here she lies. Histinium is unlocated.
18257       Stele Epitaph   Flaccus Magilancum 35 M Freeborn Mirobriga     Garrovillas de Alconétar Flaccus / Arganton(i) / Magilancum / Mirobrig/ensis / an(norum) • XXXV / h(ic) • s(itus) • e(st) • s(it) • t(ibi) • t(erra) • l(evis) • / conlegae / f(aciendum) • c(uraverunt) • Flaccus Magilancum, son of Argantonus, of Mirobriga, 35 years old. Here he lies, may the earth rest lightly upon you. His colleagues had this made. There are 3 places called Mirobriga in Spain: Mirobriga Celticia (Pl. 256303); Mirobriga Turdulorum (Pl. 256302); and Mirobriga Vettonum (Pl. 236546).
18639   1952, 114 19040 Stele Epitaph   Iulius Severianus 47 M Uncertain Sobrado     Sobrado D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Iulio Seve/riano anno(rum) / XLVII memo/riam posuit / coniugi ka/rissimo Pl/acidia Lupa / defuncto in / valle Mini Sacred to the spirits of the dead, to Julius Severianus, 47 years old. Placidia Lupa put this up in memory of the dearest husband, who died in vallis mini. Iulius Severianus was commemorated in Sobrado, but died in vallis Mini (the valley of the river Minius in Lusitania?). Given that his wife commemorated him in Sobrado, this is given here as his place of origin.
18766   1928, 173 23842 Undefined Epitaph   Marcus Aurelius Victor 45 M Freeborn Saxetanum?   266038 León D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / M(arcus) Aurel(ius) Victor [mil(es)] / leg(ionis) VII g(eminae) p(iae) f(elicis) natio[ne] / Sax(sensi) anno(rum) XLV st(ipendiorum) XX[V] / optioq(ue) i[n eadem leg(ione)] / [-] p(edes) VIIII a [---] Sacred to the spirits of the dead, Marcus Aurelius Victor, soldier of the VII legion Gemina Pia Felix, of Saxetanum (?), 55 years old, 25 years military service, and optio in the same legion. 9 feet... Variant on HE = natio(ne) / [T]rax. EDH and AE both read Sax. No photos available. Origin unclear.
19213   1928, 164; 1961, 338 23815 Stele Epitaph 1-100 Domitius 37 M Freeborn Tabalaca     Asturica Augusta (Astorga) ------] / [Do]mitio / [---]O eq(uiti) alae / Fla[vi]ae II c(ivium) R(omanorum) / domo Tabala/ca an(norum) XXXVII aer(arum) / XVII C(aius) Corne/lius Serenus / eq(ues) alae eiusd(em) / municipi heres / exs(!) voluntate / f(aciendum) c(uravit) Domitius, cavalryman of the II ala Flavia, Roman citizen, with his home at Tabalaca, 37 years old, 17 years service. Gaius Cornelius Serenus, cavalryman of the same municipium (?), his heir, had this made according to his wishes. Tabalaca is an unknown location, but Trismegistos (GeoID: 36947) suggests Africa.
20063   1959, 82; 1960, 156; 1961, 64; 1965, 348 19222 Undefined Epitaph   Laetus 28 M Freeborn Avobriga / Abobrica ?   260499 Fermedo Laetus Caturonis f(ilius) / Aviobrigensis h(ic) s(itus) e(st) / an(norum) XXIIX Niger / frater ex testamento / faciendum curavi[t] / arbitratu Q(uinti) Laberi(i) Exorati / Olisipone(n)sis Laetus, son of Caturo, of Aviobriga, here he lies, 28 years old, Niger his 'brother' (frater) had this made according to his will, at the discretion of Quintus Laberius Exoratus of Olisipo. Quintus Laberius Exoratus is mapped as a migrant from Olisipo, but Avobriga is unlocated.
20172   1967, 184 14416     100-200 Vegetus   M Freeborn Interannienses Lusitania 236489 Idanha-a-Velha, Idanha-a-Nova (Igaeditania) D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Vegeto Vegetini f(ilio) / Interaniensi Amo/ena Nigri libert(a) ma/rito et sibi f(aciendum) c(uravit) Sacred to the spirits of the dead, to Vegetus, son of Vegetinus, of the Interannienses. Amoena, freedwoman of Niger, had this made for her husband and for herself. The territory of the Interannienses and the extent of the movement is not clear here but there does appear to have been some movement.
20233   1971, 146 11143 Stele Epitaph   Accius Aloncus   M Freeborn Histinium   260562 Villar del Rey Accius / Bouti · f(ilius) / Aloncus / Instinie(n)sis / hic · situs / est / Taurus · Arci / f(ilius) · Ammicius / statuit · et · / scripsit // Bolos/a Vapi (filia) Accius Aloncus, son of Boutus, of Histinium. Here he lies. Taurus Ammicius, son of Arcus, set this up and composed it. Bolosa, daughter of Vapus. Histinium is unlocated.
21535 515     Altar Epitaph   Iustinus Flavius 46 M Freeborn Neapolis     Augusta Emerita (Merida) Iustinus Menandri filius / Flavius Neapolitanus anno(rum) / XLVI h(ic) s(itus) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis) Sabina marit(o) / optimo et merentissimo et / Menander filius cum seroribus(!) / suis Rece[pt]a et Salvina / patri piissimo [- - -] / p(onendum) [c(uravit)] Iustinus Flavius Neapolitanus, son of Flavius, 46 years old. Here he lies, may the earth rest lightly upon you. Sabina, for the best and most deserving husband, and Menander, his son with his sisters, Recepta and Salvina, for the most dutiful father, had this made. There are numerous ancient cities called Neapolis.
21742 764     Undefined Epitaph   Samacia 14 F Freeborn Amoca     Caurium (Coria) Samacia / Pere•cat/i • f(ilia) • Amo(censis) • / an(norum) • XIIII / h(ic) • s(ita) • e(st) • s(it) • t(ibi) • t(erra) • l(evis) Samacia, daughter of Perecatus, of Amoca, 14 years old. Here she lies, may the earth rest lightly upon you. Amoca is an unknown location.
21818 880     Undefined Epitaph   Cassius Vegetus 23 M Uncertain Celticum Flavium   240904 Miranda de Azán D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Amm(a)e Festi f(iliae) / Albocolensi(s) / an(norum) XXIII / Cassius Vegetus / Celtico Flaviensis / uxori piae / f(aciendum) c(uravit) Sacred to the spirits of the dead, to Amma, daughter of Festus, of Albocela, 23 years old. Cassius Vegetus of Celticum Flavium had this made for his dutiful wife. Celticum Flavium is an unknown location but Amma is mapped as a migrant from Albocela.
24186       Undefined Epitaph   Marcus Antero 50 M Freeborn Augustobriga   246208 Augustobriga (Muro de Ágreda) M(arcus) +O M+++M / Ammoni f(ilius) Ante/ro ann(orum) L obit / peregre G(aius) f(ilius) / f(aciendum) cur(avit) Marcus Antero, son of Ammonus, 50 years old, died abroad. Gaius, his son, had this made. A fragmentary inscription recording the death abroad of Marcus Antero in an unspecified location. This testifies to movement but cannot be mapped.
24378   1896, 72 23204 Stele Epitaph   Bloena   F Freeborn Valabriga   241014 Bracara Augusta (Braga) Bloen/a Cam/ali f(ilia) / Valab/ric(e)nsis / h(ic) s(ita) e(st) / Ca[malus f(ecit)] Bloena, daughter of Camalus, of Valabriga. Here she lies. Camalus made this. Valabriga is unlocated.
24686   2002, 758; 2004, 770 45866 Stele Epitaph   Cloutus 30 M Freeborn Iappioppa?     Vila Nova de Famalicão Ausco f(ilio) Bou/tinus ux[---] // Cloutu[s] / Mu{s}/appii f(ilius) P[---] / Iappiopp/ensis / ann(orum) XXX Boutinus of Uxama, for his son (?) // Cloutus, son of Musappius...of Iappioppa, 30 years old. Two separate inscriptions of different date on the same stele, recorded as one on EDH and AE, and as two on HEPOnl. (24686 and 24687). Boutinus (HEpOnl. 24687) is mapped to Uxama, but as Iappiopa is an unknown location (although on the links with Apiobicesis, see Villar 2002: 280-83), Cloutus is not included on the map.
26441   1962, 51 16519 Tabula Epitaph 101-150 Sagitta   M Enslaved Hispanus     Cordoba (Corduba / Patricia Colona) ]R[- - -] / nation[e - - -] / tr(aex) / Sagitta [-]M[- - -] / natione Hispanus / h(ic) s(iti) s(unt) s(it) v(obis) t(erra) l(evis) / conservi de suo [b]ene merentib(us) R.... of the people of Thracia, Sagitta.... of the people of Hispanus, here they lie, may the earth rest lightly upon you, their fellow slaves (put this up), well deserving. As Sagitta is recorded as being of the people of Hispanus, any movement is impossible to map, but the anonymous migrant from Thrace is included on the map.